Why it’s cool to be a player and not cool to be a slut

For years I have had conversations with girls where they ask me why this double standard appears in society. They want to know why guys can sleep around and boast about it, but if women do the same they are looked down upon. I used to have various wishy washy explanations which were never the final word in the discussion. Recently however, I came up with what I believe to be the definitive answer.If i’m sitting around with a beautiful girl and we get competitive and suggests that we see who can get the most dates in 30 minutes, she might think it’s a fair fight, but it really isn’t. Let’s take it to an extreme and make the challenge who can get laid in the fastest possible time. Whether it’s day or night, it doesn’t matter, the goal is to get laid as soon as possible. So she goes out into the street, gives guys IOIs and approaches a man and says “hi, i find you attractive, would you like to come back to my house?” if he hesitates she can add “well decide now otherwise i’ll go and find someone else”. Unless the guy is gay or religious, he will agree and so she won’t need to spend more than 1 minute in a busy area to secure her man. Meanwhile, i’m going out and approaching women to try and get laid ASAP. First i’ll try some “direct” approaches where I compliment the girl and then after a few minutes I suggest I show her something at my house, it’s got a low chance of success and if I do get her back it’ll take more time to overcome LMR. I might think that if I approach the ugliest possible girl that i’ll have more chance so I could try that, but the funny thing is that they won’t be any more likely to say yes than hot girls. What I need is a girl that happens to be very sexual, to instantly find me very attractive and to be confident in what she wants. In the day time it’s going to take me a few hours of very solid game to get that f-close. IN the night time, it’ll be a little easier but 98% of girls will require some chat and put up some resistance at some point. So pretty much whatever I do, it’s tougher for me to get laid than the girl. Lets put this in perspective – i’m a PUA, i’ve trained in this area for years, I understand so much about female psychology and sexual escalation and whatever else. She’s JUST a pretty face (and maybe body)! So we can agree that there is no way for it to be as easy for a guy to get laid as it is for a woman. Now lets answer the question of why being a player is cool and why being a slut is not. Let’s take a guy that has slept with 100 women, including models and other well-regarded women. Let’s compare him to a girl that has slept with 100 men including various high status guys. Now lets analyse them in the way that a potential date might.A girl looks at this guy and his “CV” and sees that he has successfully seduced all these women. They have gone from not knowing him to finding him very attractive in a short amount of time. She knows that more than looks would be required, so he probably has a few characteristics like: humour, confidence, alphaness, intelligence. In fact every quality he does have would be an attractive one except the fact that he might be a little bit of a cheater. He’s definitely likely more attractive than 98% of guys out there, he’s tried and tested and come up trumps. He is experienced, knows what he is doing and will be a challenge to any woman that wants to tame him. Now we look at the girl who has slept with all the guys. What does it tell us about her? Does it tell us that she is good looking? No, if it is put on a plate for them, many good looking guys will drastically lower their standards. So she could be average or even slightly ugly. Doesn’t it mean she has a great personality or other personal qualities? No, not at all. She could have walked around with a piece of paper which explained the situation and still got laid without ever saying a word. So the act of sleeping with many guys confers no good quality on the girl. However it does show some bad qualities – she is more likely to cheat than a less experienced girl.

One Response

  1. Nick December 27, 2012

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