Clear Your Approach Anxiety

Watching this Video WILL reduce your Approach Anxiety.

For more information see

Watch this video right now, and participate – it will work for you, but only if you follow the instructions carefully. Pause it if you need more time to focus in on the feelings that come up in your body.

For maximum benefit repeat the process as many times as possible, with or without the video.

Questions? – If it’s not working for you, try the Inner Game Tapping Forum.

Tapping Summary

The idea of the video is very simple.

  1. Use your imagination to feel the feeling you get when you think about approaching a set
  2. Tap the points and neutralise the feeling
  3. Repeat for each layer of the feeling until there is nothing left

Here is the tapping sequence.

Tap the Karate Chop Point and say “Even though I get this feeling, I deeply and completely accept myself”

Now tap the following points while saying ONLY “Even though I get this feeling”

  • Thumb (outside of the bottom corner of the nail)
  • Forefinger
  • Middle finger
  • Little finger (skip ring finger)
  • Collar bone
  • Indent of Chin
  • Under the Nose
  • Corner of Eye/Bridge of Nose
  • Outside Corner of Eye
  • Under the Eye


Q: This is very weird!

A: So is going out in groups of guys to ‘practice’ hitting on women. Get over it. Yes, there is a perfectly scientific explanation, I will post it soon.

Q: Does it really work?

A: It works for anyone with a nervous system. Check out the Testimonials for some social proof.

Q: Is it permanent?

A: Approach Anxieties are learned. So it’s permanent until you learn it again. Most of the anxieties are learned during childhood, so you probably won’t learn them again. Some of them are learned when you get bad reactions from girls in the field, so if you get a bad reaction in the future you may need to tap for that.

Q: Mystery says Approach Anxiety is Hard-Wired

A: Mystery has never tried Tapping his away.


  1. strong frame of reality May 22, 2012
  2. Gulya October 22, 2012
  3. USJWdO6t July 23, 2013

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