Stealing Horny Chicks


Here’s how it goes down:

The girl hits full buying temperature. Maybe you did it. Maybe another natural player did it. Maybe her boyfriend pissed her off and de-validated her. Maybe she’s on vacation, and she decides she wants it. Whatever the way, she’s decided she wants sex TONIGHT, and somebody is going to get it.

You see this in Leicester Square in London England. The girls get hit on all night. The guys hitting on them are getting blown out left and right. But yet, at the same time, their buying temperature is escalating and escalating.

And as we all know, buying temperature is TRANSFERABLE. You can literally walk up to a girl who is being picked up by a player, blow him out, and pull the girl and hook up with her within 45 minutes. I’ve done it in front of audiences, while they sit there jaw dropped. It appears that I’ve done something inconceivable, when in fact what I’ve done it stupidly easy, just as long as you have a bit of balls.

In nighttime social environments, pickup is all about FOLLOW THE SHINY THING GIRLS.. FOLLOW IT.. FOLLOW IT.. FOLLOW THE SHINY THING.. ITS GOING OVER HERE.. 🙂

That’s a metaphor I first got from Toecutter I think, and its funny as hell because its true. In clubs, girls are like little kittens in a prairie, jumping from one stimulus to the next. Chase the butterfly little kitten.. chase it.. chase it.. no wait, a leaf.. chase it.. no wait!, a bird… chaaaaase it….

Girls in clubs, its the same shit. Dance…. Dance…. Drink.. Drink…. No wait! Lights! Music!!! Guys hitting on us… We’re listening to them… They’re fun…. No wait! They’re players… Runnn awaaaaaay!!!! Wait, its my BEST FRIEND… I LOVE HER… HUG MY BEST FRIEND!!! GRIND HER!!!!

God, how do I deal with this shit on a nightly basis? It’s like they’re on crack. Do you guys see this shit? They see their friends and they run up and scream and hug eachother?

At clubs, most girls look like mindless stimulation seeking zombies. When I run workshops, I call this “the girl is about to pop”. What that means is that you’ll be running the set, but one of them can’t quite hear you or isn’t fully interested. And you see her eyes wandering, and she’s looking around the club. It’s like “This isn’t stimulating enough.. Zombie needs more stimulation.. Seek stimulation.. Find it.. Maintain buying temperature.. Zombie LIKES buying temperature… dancing.. .dancing is buying temperature…. Zombie likes dancing… Let’s go dance.. Zombie needs zombie friends to come with zombie, so zombie is safe…”

GUYS…. – LET’S – GO – DANCE!!!

And POOF, your set is GONE. Your target girl could have LOVED you, but the second her friends say “Let’s go dance”, it is fucking OVER. I’ll see one of the girls looking around, seeking out other stimulation, and I’ll blurt out to my wing “dude, that one’s about to pop”, and then its “Hey! Show’s over here!”, to the chick (like from my “How to take the fuck over a set” post I wrote a few weeks ago).

Anyway, getting back to the topic of tug of war, this is the shit I see all the time. The girl hits buying temperature, and now its whoever has the biggest shiny thing that will fuck her that night.

I’ll have girls telling me they love me and asking where I’m going after the club closes, and then some other dude will move in, and she’ll ignore me and act like I don’t exist. Literally, she’ll just cut me out of her reality. Then I’ll go in and blow the guy out, and he’ll leave, and then the girl will be my best friend again.

Bros, this is the harsh world of pickup. It’s a cold cruel world… 🙂

This shit reminds me of rams butting heads on the mating ground. It’s fucking crazy some of the shit I’ve seen and done.

In Las Vegas, I took this girl away from a guy who’d been gaming her all night. I was macking out with her and she’s all over me. She says she wants to go home with me and that the guy she’s with is a chump (even though she is clearly into him, but she just likes me more now, since I opened her even though the guy was right there).

We go to leave the casino, and her friend wants to back in for one last second and say bye to the guys. The guy I took her from grabs her back chats her for a few minutes, and next thing you know he walks her around the casino for the next 45 minutes while I sit there waiting like a puppydog.. FUCK, so CLOSE.. Like I had them at the cab stand, and now I’m back in here by myself??? My girl comes back and says she can’t go home with me anymore, while I see the guy smiling that he’s got her now.

I go off to the side, over to the friend and say that I’m gay, and that I want my girl (her best friend) to be my new best friend and to take her shopping tommorow morning. “Can I stay over?” She believes it, and cockblocks the guy who was about to pull the girl that we were fighting over, and we all go home together. The girl hates me, but her buying temperature is up and she needs sex. Oh yeah, did I mention that she was engaged? Anyway, she’s fucking hot as hell, I’m there, she’s there, and boom, its a done deal.

This was hard core tug of war. The same thing I did in Montreal, when I gamed up this set until they’re ready to go home with me and my wing (while the students watch this go down), but then I have to leave to continue the workshop because its too early in the night, so I leave. Meanwhile some natural french player guys move in and start making out with these girls within about 3 minutes! Why? Because the girls buying temperature is up, and these guys can sense it and they exploit it.

Now these girls want to leave with these 2 french player dudes. So I go in with Stephane (of Cliff’s List fame), and I make best friends with the two girls and tell them that I love their friend because I love them, and that I want to be best friends with them and that I we’ll all be happy together, blah blah.. The girls cockblock the player guys and tell their friends all to go back to my house (incidentally its Cliff’s house from Cliff’s List, who I’m staying with). Our targets keep trying to go back with the French player guys, but I just cockblock the shit out of them by continually whispering into the obstacles ears that I need help from them. In this case there was a fuckup which I talked about in another post. Either way, the French guys were jaw-dropped when we waved, winked, and laughed at them, as we took away their girls.

I’ve done this SO MANY times. I’ll see a girl who’s ready to be pulled, and I just go befriend the obstacles. The obstacles know that their friend is going to sleep with SOMEBODY, so they do what it takes to make sure that somebody is me.

This is hardcore tug of war. You can see it outside clubs at closing times. Accounts are being worked out. Guys are chatting the girls they grinded with all night, trying to get them to “go to the afterbar” or “go eat” with them.

That’s how the pull always goes down. It’s first to go eat or party more or do drugs or drink at a house or hotel, and one thing leads to another. JLaix uses “We’re going to Club Jeffy”. Same type of shit.

I’ve also lost alot of tug of war battles in my day. Of course this is because I’ll go into the battle even in spite of knowing that my odds are poor. I do it just for the education.

The other night in Kingston I had this girl ready to leave with me. I also had a date that night with a hotter girl, and ditched this girl at around 11pm. Twentysix was visiting me in Kingston, and we drove over to the girls house, but I realized that I’d forgotten the address. FUCK. So I go back to the club. Surprise, surprise……. The girl is grinding and making out with some new guy, about to go home with him. Of course, its because I upped her buying temperature FOR the guy. FACK!!!

So I get the friends of the girl to drag her off of him for me. Now she’s all up on me. She’s mine. But I leave for the bathroom for a minute, and I come back and watch the dude who was grinding with her pull her home and fuck her (I found out the next day, because I befriended the friends and called them).

Likewise, I was in Whistler Blackcomb, in British Columbia last weekend. For guys who don’t know what that is, its one of the top ski resorts in the world. Fucking AMAZING place to go. Totally amazing experience. So we ski all day, and go clubbing at night. Twentysix and I had gamed up this 2set the night previous, and had a day2 planned with them at one of the bars on the resort. We show up 2 hours late, and these 2 player guys have moved in on our girls. I underestimate them, because our girls run up to us. I figure they’re some lameasses. They weren’t good looking or big or anything. I say to my girls “Let’s get out of here”, and they’re ready to leave. Out of nowhere, the player guy walks in and says “Let’s go do kareoke”. I laugh at him internally, because I think he’s AFC. But then I notice something. It’s subtle, but its clearly there. He’s not leaning in. He’s not looking needy. He’s directing her what to do. He’s alpha.

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK – He’s a player and I misread the play.

Despite being about to leave with us, I watch this guy walk in and outalpha me (I sat there indifferent because I couldn’t CONCEIVE that this guy could be a player), and take my girls from me. We all go to the next club together, and he has her and I’m looking lame for following along. Twentysix’s girl likes him though, and is deciding between this guys’ friend and Twentysix. Twentysix’s competition isn’t too bad, so he blows him out. But the girl tells me “HB decided yesterday after meeting you guys that she was going to get laid tonight. And you guys just came too late.”

Twentysix runs the typical routine that we run when this happens, where one girl is ON but the other girl isn’t. He tells his girl that if her friend isn’t going to make it fun for me that he’ll just leave. His girl begs her friend to hook up with me, but the player guy has me by the balls. I actually learned a SHITLOAD from watching this guy work, which I’ve since encorporated into my game to great effect. So Twentysix games up some other girl who he NEARLY pulls (a super cute blondie, much hotter than his girl), and both girls go home and fuck these two new guys who blew me out.

FUCK FUCK FUCK… I go home alone that night. The same way that many guys have gone home alone because of me. OUCH, I know how it feels now… ahhahaa, its all a game anyway, so I there’s winners and losers. I’ll be a winner again, and I’m sure I’ll lose alot of them too.

For me, when I see its GAME ON with the tug of war, I have key tool’s at my disposal:

1) Unlike 99% of natural players, I know that the key to the target is her peergroup. I befriend the obstacles and bring them ALL home together. I literally TELL DIRECTLY to the obstacles to pull her friends off the competing players, because I like and want to date her friend so that way we can all be a happy family.

2) I’m willing to sit in set and just chat the obstacles, while the players up the target’s buying temperature for me, and I wait for the perfect time to make my move.

3) Out-alpha tactics, posted in “Some AMOG tactics” post I did a while back.

4) Social proof and jealousy. Unlike most players, I can walk into adjacent sets and blow them up, right in front of the girl I want.

5) Tell the obstacles that I’m gay, and worried about the target, and that I want to be her new gay best friend and take her shopping, and I want to save her from that guy. Then the friends push the girl on me and leave her alone with me, and the target has no idea what I’ve told the friends. In cases where the target hear’s that I told the friends that I was gay, I just say either that I was joking, and then makeout and hookup with the target, or I say they’re wrong, or they never said it.. Whatever.

6) I throw up the BIGGER SHINY THING.. I’ll do a magic trick (I rarely use them, but I’ll use them and make the competing guy player be the guy I do the trick on).. I have this one where I snatch a coin out of the guys’ hand, that’s not really magic that I learned at an MM Workshop. It’s basic, but it works because you OWN the guy in front of the girl. I also just plow them with stories or bring over other girls and introduce them, and then tell the pawn-girls I brought over to chat the guy, and then take my girl back.

Again, notice that I NEVER give up. If I see a girl with her buying temperature up, I LOVE the challenge of competing against other players. You see this in Leceister Square in London at the end of EVERY Friday and Saturday night. The girls are walking around totally in state, and the player guys are coming up to them one by one until one of them pulls them. Crazy shit.

Anyway, this is a fun thing that I like to do, and I know most other PUAsaren’t doing this stuff.

I really encourage you guys to have no fear of approaching even 1guy/1girl two sets, and taking the girls. You’d be surprised how often the two barely know eachother. Also, if you EVER and I mean *EVER* see natural players gaming up girls, never be afraid to go in and open ONLY the girls.

How do you know if its natural players? Hahaha, well, I hate to say this, but 9 times out of 10, if the girls look like they’re having a good time (ie: they’re giggly or touching the guy alot), then its a pickup, NOT a boyfriend with his longterm girlfriend. Why? Because girls aren’t having fun if they’re with their LTR. They usually only have fun with players. haaa, sad but true.

So if you see girls all giddy, then its probably a pickup, and you can easily swoop in and play a little tug of war with the other PUAs.

It’s fun, and I often make friends with the other natural PUAs who I’m competing against. In fact some of my friends I’ve met in the field are players whose girls I’ve taken home right from them, earned their respect, and now we hang out.

I have a ton more to say on this topic also, which maybe I’ll post someday or in addition to this. Tug of war is something I do all the time, and I encourage you guys to give it a shot because its WAY easier than it looks. It looks tough, but if you just use the principles you learn from ASF, you’ll find its in fact very easy. Just ignore the social situation, and PLOW THEM FUCK OUT OF THE GIRLS WITH ROUTINES right in front of the guys. Easy shit, and great for ONS.


  1. Socialkenny August 5, 2012
    • Vladimir October 22, 2012
  2. Thelma October 22, 2012

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