Three Smiles

Any time the chick smiles, you can run this routine. It’s best used once you’ve established that you are cool, and that you are quite attractive to her.

“Hey… you know… you have three smiles.” (usually, she’ll smile in response to this) “and there’s a fourth!” (she’ll probably ask something, and then you improvise along the lines of the following) “Yeah, that was your ‘I’m flattered’ smile, and then you have a… um, not fake… but a polite smile… then there’s this really genuine smile when you laugh, and your whole face lights up. Then there’s this smug, ‘hey this guy fancies me’ smile. I’ve a feeling I might see that a lot.”

Guaranteed to make girls fall in love with you. This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever told them. They will remember it and think about it when you are gone.

Watch ‘Win a Date With Tad Hamilton’ if you want to know where it came from 🙂

I almost feel bad using this as a routine and posting it, because chicks love it and remember it so much.

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