Passing Her Shit Tests, pt. 2

OK now to the meat of this post.

When the chicks SHIT TEST you, you can only pass it by preventing them from breaking their own state.

They do this shit to me ALL THE TIME.  They TRY SO HARD to break their state, so that they can resist your advances.

They’ll do shit like:

  • “Are you a player?”
  • “I bet you’ve done this with hundreds of girls”
  • “Where were you last night?”
  • “Is that your pickup line? Do you plan this?” -or- “did you bring that notepad just for this gimmick to PU girls??”
  • “you’re funny” -or- “you’re so confident” (tough to field cause you can’t tell if they’re serious or possibly questioning your intentions)
  • “We’re going to have sex” (when chicks go GM on you, ANY variation.. “you’re hot” etc)
  • “We’re NOT going to have sex”
  • “I’m fat”
  • “What do you do for a living?”
  • “How old are you?”
  • “You’re too young”
  • “What’s your sign?”
  • “What are you taking at school?”
  • “Don’t blame the dog/kid/whatever”
  • “blah blah blah” (chick talks TOO MUCH, and you are supplicating by listening)

Alright, so let’s break these down. Some of these I remember learning from CPowles and others. I’ll probably take few posts to explain all of them.

ST: “are you a player?”

WHY: She’s trying to make you EXPLAIN yourself, which she KNOWS will aggravate her – as ALL logical answers do – so she can put up more LMR.

A1: “don’t hate the player, hate the game”

A2: “what is it about players that turn you on so much?”

A3: “yeah, I play sport”

A4: “players play with people’s emotions and isn’t genuine” (turn it around on her so that she’s accusing you of faking your whole interaction, to make her feel bad)

EFFECT: A1 is funny, gets her laughing and breaks upset state.  A2 is cocky and turns her on.  A3 highlights the stupidity of the question.  A4 puts down the problems of the chick who is maybe really shy, and is seriously scared (librarian types, etc)

ST: “I bet you’ve done this with hundreds of girls”

WHY: Same reason as above.

A: “I’ve done it with thousands”

EFFECT: Shows cockiness, turns her on more.  Shows her that you won’t bend to her shit tests.

ST: “where were you last night?”

WHY: She is trying to work you

A1: “I stayed at home thinking about you.. But then I got bored and hired 10 strippers”

A2: “chillin’ with your sister”

EFFECT: A1 is a BEAUTIFUL way of fielding shit tests.  It plays her emotions, because what it does is gives her the answer she WANTS which calms her down, and a COCKY/FUNNY answer to make her get turned on and laughing BEFORE she can realize that what you were saying was bullshit.  A2 shows her you won’t take her shit, C&F, turns her on.

ST: “is that your pickup line? Do you plan this??” -Or- “did you bring that notepad just for this gimmick to PU girls??”

WHY: She is trying to block you from picking her up, testing your wit.  A: “yeah, and I even planned to meet a girl with (x-neg that was said EARLIER on in the sarge)  (yeah, I even planned to meet a powerpuff girl tonight / yeah, I even planned to meet a girl with stuff in her teeth tonight / yeah I even planned to meet a girl with cute bunny rabbit teeth tonight / yeah I even planned to meet a girl with lint on her shirt tonight…. etc etc etc WHICHEVER neg you used)

EFFECT: Shows her that you’re smarter than her, and makes her question look ridiculous.

More next time.

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