The Perfect Blend of PUA, pt. 3

2. Even though we spend alot of time in PU discussing the (A) phase (perhaps because so few people ever get beyond it),  but actually its the (C) phase that gets you the girl. This is something we should remember.

So you get to know the girl and build massive comfort and trust.  She loves you.  You’re awesome.  It wasn’t the (A) material that got you to this point.  BUT, it was the (A) material that got her to even acknowledge you in the first place.

Then we pummel them with (A) material, to get them wanting to talk to you more. The push/pull and DHVs and all that.  This is the GLUE that forces them to sit there and actually get to know you as the pickup progresses.

And that’s the thing.  Even though we spend alot of time on this board discussing the (A) phase (perhaps because so few people ever get beyond it),  but actually its the (C) phase that gets you the girl.

So you get to know the girl and build massive comfort and trust.  She loves you.  You’re awesome.  It wasn’t the (A) material that got you to this point.  BUT, it was the (A) material that got her to even acknowledge you in the first place.

Having built comfort, she will still throw up anti-slut-defenses if she hasn’t done anything to impress you.  The reason for that, is that her social conditioning tells her “This guy just came up to me and made me want to sleep

with him.  Now he’s trying to ask for my # or extract me.  But I’ve done nothing to impress him.  He must sleep with every girl he approaches.  I’m not going to be the next notch on his bedpost”.  So she flakes you off, despite that she’s attracted to you.

Of course, to avoid that we then use (Q) based material.  We compliment, and use the other tactics listed above.  This makes her think “WOW, I really have what it takes for this awesome guy!”

Note, btw, that there are times where you actually have a very natural connection with a girl.  You just hit it off amazingly well.  So for those girls, there is no need to deliberately qualify.  You can, but its not absolutely necessary or anything.  She can sense it, and so can you.  But most super hotties are ditzy by nature.  They’re about as intelligent as YOU would be, if you had everything handed to you on a silver platter.  So who can blame them.  But that doesn’t mean you don’t want to hook up with them, so you need to make the effort to qualify them.

From there, their ASD wall goes down, and you can go sexual.  You phase shift, and she’ll be open to it.

The linear progression works consistently on most sets.  Makes sense.  It works.  It’s field tested by various guys for many many lays.

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