When a Girl Wants You to Open

Walking down the street, you usually feast your eyes on the hot ladies going by and say to yourself: “I’d do her!” Has it ever come to your mind that men are not alone with this? Yes, my friend, women do the same!

During your everyday life, whether you are on the underground, walking in the local shopping center or dancing in your favorite club, girls will notice and measure you the same way. They might not say, “I’d do him”, but they can be open to meeting you and going further.

Most guys live their everyday life and never notice when a woman is eyeing them. But what if you approached her? Just think how many of these opportunities to meet a wonderful girl have you lost in the past! Countless to say at least.

Here are a few examples. A girl coming in front of you who looks deep into your eyes and smiles is giving you a sign of interest. When you are on the bus and a certain girl maintains her proximity to you (even if you sit or stand somewhere else) is showing a sign of interest. Maybe you can notice with your peripheral sight that a girl is looking at you from time to time. Or the girl sitting next to you fixes her hair, puts on some make-up or does something to get your attention.

Most of these women are waiting for you to make your move! Even though it’s sometimes unconscious for them as well, if you got the signs right she will be SURE to respond to you positively.

If you’ve got the courage to meet some wonderful girls this way, I will share my secret. This is a secret some authors are selling for hell a lot of $$$s, and if I give it to you, you will have to make a promise. You MUST promise to try it AT LEAST ONCE, otherwise close this window and go to Disney.com RIGHT NOW! Deal?

OK. So you chose to stay with me. Don’t forget your word! The following approach requires balls, but it also works like charm. In certain situations when you are pressed by time and you see a women giving you signs of interest (like those mentioned above), go up to her with a big smile on your face and say:

“Hi. You look like somebody I should get to know, but I’m in a hurry right now. Still, I don’t want to pass such a wonderful opportunity to meet someone like you. I’d like to see you again at a place where we could talk and get to know each other.”

It is very important to SMILE and come off casually and non-threatening. Like when you bump into a friend you haven’t seen for a long time. If you interpreted her body language well, and she really gave you an invitation to approach her, she will agree to meet again. So after she recovers from the initial (positive) shock, simply ask for her number, then smile and carry on with whatever you were doing.

One more thing: recognizing these signs is not easy if you have never done it before. So don’t be afraid to practice and don’t be scared if you get rejected at times. After all the girl you approach doesn’t even know YOU, she can only reject a stranger, not your real self. You see, it’s very important not to take anything personally.

Finally, if you are interested in improving your success with women and learning more tips and tricks of the trade, check out my e-book called “All About Women: The Encyclopedia Of Seduction”. In my book, I cover each step of the seduction process, from A to the Z. From understanding the way women think, to learning to be a Man who attracts girls with his presence, the ins and outs of approaching women, secrets of making your dates successful, improving your sexual life and a lot, lot more… Whether you are ugly, bald, young, old or broke, the techniques I teach will work for you like charm!

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