
The best transition… is no transition?

No transition. No transition. No transition. No transition. No transition. No transition. No transition. No transition. No transition. No transition. No transition. No transition.

Go right into something that is very different from the last thing. After the hair thing, ask if they have any pets or ask what fun things they are doing this summer, talk about your trip to the amusement park or how your socks are really really tight or your brother who just ran away to join the carnival, whatever… Then push them together and do a street levitation (no props needed). Then talk about how you just broke up with your girlfriend even though she loved you deeply, you bastard.

Act out each of these routines/stories with appropriate emotions and expressions and do not look for ways to transition between them.

Transitions are for the weak minded. Look at it this way, when you first approach you are introducing a new state. There is no or little transition. Now you think that was the hard part. But in reality you need to re-open continuously by introducing new topics that are completely unrelated to the last. That is taking charge.

As soon as you know the topic is going to stall out or not be interesting anymore just pick it up and move it to another topic which is fresh and hopefully, a lot different from the last.

Regular people never do that in real life because they are afraid of cutting people off or not being able to make a new topic interesting, or worried about taking charge etc.. The problem is that when no one takes charge of the conversation and hopes it just goes in a good direction, the interaction has no magic, no zing or snap. And you end up trying to force these unnatural transitions. Don’t do that. Be powerful. Be transition free!

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