Examining Different PUA Methods, pt. 1

Being in the scene for a while now, I sometimes find myself a bit bored reading the same stuff about controlling your state and being confident and tactics to run game. I’d love to have some more high level discussions, with guys who are really pulling the top girls.

I’ll get the ball rolling with some rough material I threw together on.

This post is going to be massive so I’ll split it for easy reading.

I’d really encourage the other top PUAs to post what they do to pull the top girls, to keep the scene fresh, and to motivate the top guys to stay around and participate.  Of course newer guys will be annoyed that it’s not useful for them. But so what? Advanced PUAs are people too!  : )

There are different ways to run sets.

The classic MM way is to use intrigue based routines, like talking about relationships and the unknown, to captivate a set. By doing so, you can use active ignorance on the sets. Notice that the Mystery archive contains not so much C&F-teases, but rather, they contain SELF ESTEEM NEGS.

Let’s look at the different types:

A C&F NEG is like “You’re like my little sister” or “You’re like a little powerpuff girl” or “hands off the merchandise” or she’s “a sexual predator” or telling her to support you or to get lost.

OTOH, a SELF ESTEEM NEG is like “That’s a nice dress. That’s really popular these days” or “A model? What, a hand model?” or “You have something on your face/teeth/hair.. Here” or “Your nose wiggles when you talk” or blowing your nose in front of her (like you don’t care enough to even hide it from her).

Notice though, and this is very important, that the first type of C&F neg is actually YOU giving her an indicator of your interest in her. As guys, we’d think the opposite, because calling a hottie a powerpuff girl is showing her that we’re willing to walk away from her, and not seek her approval. Right?

Nope. These things are actually sexual subcommunication. Like David DeAngelo says, they are the secret sub language of attraction that girls respond to.

If a girl walks up to you and says that your shirt sucks, this is an IOI.  We know this. Why? Because if a girl isn’t attracted to you, she won’t even acknowledge you, let alone tease you. Would a girl walk up to a 95 year old man in a wheelchair and tease him? Notice that if a girl does this, you can just tease her back – open, run game, and seduce. Girls open ME with negs and C&F all the time, and if I play along they gladly hook up with me (because they were obviously attracted, to have opened me – so I need only not screw it up).  The same goes for girls. They know that when you use this stuff, you’re just using a classic European style game on them. Or maybe they don’t know it’s “classic Euro-style”.. : ) – but they know that it’s not that you really don’t want them, and that you’re being playful.

The thing is, that’s FINE. So long as you meet the preconditions of social value, they’ll enjoy you gaming them well, and they’ll become attracted.  The classic European style of “natural” game is similar to what I use (my version is just the European version on steroids, combined with other tactics thrown in). It’s flirting. Where you’re saying “get lost”, but really subcommunicating “I’m alpha, look at me sexually, I’m interested”).  Well, this is sort of a sweeping generalization. You guys get the point, anyway.

More next post.

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