How To “Own Your Emotions” with Women… Without Being a Pussy

We as men, more than almost anything else, want to learn to create authentic attraction and connection with women.

But what gets in the way of REAL connection, is what we call social masks.

Y’know, this is the happy face we put on to get through our day.

The grocery clerk says, “Hi! How are you?” And you say “Fine.”

Although, the real truth may be that your dog just died, your insides feel twisted, your heart feels caved in and you’re exhausted.

Da Da DAAAA! SOCIAL MASK! To the rescue! Here to save you from actually spilling it all out on a random grocery clerk.

What comes out instead: “Fine, thanks. Uh, I think these fish sticks are two for one.”

Whew– Crisis averted… Thanks for saving me, Social Mask!

Sure, social masks are valuable and appropriate at certain times… but they kill the juice with women when we don’t know how to take them off.

Let’s imagine that same grocery clerk situation but instead you’re on a date with a woman you’re super attracted to. You’re really hurting inside and yet you continue to wear the social mask that insists everything is fine.

Now, here’s the thing. Most guys have no idea just how sensitive and aware women are. When you hold back or resist your emotions women can sense it and the result is they feel something is “off.”

When women feel something is “off” they just can’t trust or open up to you in the way they really want to. And quite bluntly, that’s the beginning of the end right there.

So does this mean you’re supposed to just curl up into the fetal position and cry yourself to sleep in the middle of your date?

Actually, we recommend against that.

But when a man drops the social mask and “owns” his emotions he becomes astoundingly sexy to a woman.

So what does “owning your emotions” actually mean? Let’s say you’re on a date and you’re feeling really sad about your ex-dog. If you can fully feel your sadness, without “collapsing” AND still remain fully engaged, present and connected to your woman at the same time, then you have just been nominated for sexy man of the year award.

Now, just like riding a bike, it takes a little practice. But when you get the hang of dropping the ol’ social mask, feeling your emotions and still being rock solid with her, you’ve started on the path to being the kind of man that even the most radiant women dream of meeting.

One Response

  1. Ruben February 8, 2011

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