Category: Inner Game
This will give you a thorough understanding of how chicks act to gain and maintain social status. Chick logic makes sense… The Basic Principle Chicks act at all times …
I wasn’t a sexist before I understood women. There was a time when I was blissfully ignorant. I grew up watching Disney cartoons, I believed in romance and “true …
Tyler Durden talks about the secret world of the player. Many guys will dislike this, because it implies that women are sluts and untrustworthy. Well, I can only speak …
Do women enjoy being hit on – or do they loathe it? If you know women love it, you’re well on your way to experiencing massive success. If you’ve …
If you listen to a group of attractive, single women talking alone over dinner or drinks, the topic will always turn to MEN.And in most cases, it will eventually …
Why must I love myself… Will it help me get girls? Magnus explains why the answer is ‘yes’. Everyone has heard that you have to love yourself before someone …
From PUA Magnus. A must-read article before acting towards becoming a Pick Up Artist. (or: Why the Community is BULLS**T!) Naturals have few or no negative beliefs about women. …
PUA Dr Jekyll gives an epic article on his view of reality and how to use your own reality to become a succsessful Pickup Artist. It’s very easy to …
With the Release of Neil Strauss’s bestseller, “The Game” The Mystery Method, and the VH1 TV show “The Pickup Artist”. The seduction community has exploded into the mainstream. what …
I’m going to share with you something that I talk about in my book. If you aren’t currently doing what I am about to tell you, DOING IT could …