Category: PUA Tactics
Women are repressed by men, and so must look out for themselves. They will take care of: 1) Their own sexual needs. 2) The sexual needs of anyone in …
Many guys will dislike this, because it implies that women are sluts and untrustworthy. Well, I can only speak from my experience and report back what I’ve seen. I’m …
Anytime you’re hanging out with a younger girl she should be wondering if you really like her, or if you’re just playing games like you do with all your …
M’s notes on what to write on his flashy t-shirt Say hi to the flashy t-shirt guy Deus Mortus Est (God is Dead in Latin) gnothi seauton (Know Thyself …
FOLLOW THE SHINY THING GIRLS.. FOLLOW IT.. FOLLOW IT.. FOLLOW THE SHINY THING.. ITS GOING OVER HERE.. Here’s how it goes down: The girl hits full buying temperature. …
-Active Disinterest & Buying Temperature Spikes -Screening vs Chasing switch -Social hook point and sexual hook point -Female psychology (autopilot responses, socially conditioned buying temperature regulation, value responses, choice …
In addition to making friends with 5 guys who are good at meeting women, you want to make friends with at least 3 very attractive women. Attractive, as in, …
An intriguing idea for manipulating girls into giving you IOIs. For guys, like me who are impatient by nature and don’t like to waste time by waiting for IOIs. …
First of all, it’s important to notice how she brings up her BF: If it’s early in the sarge and she says, “I have a BF,” this does NOT …
Recently I figured out something that is so powerful, I just had to come and tell you guys about it! And it’s about my favorite thing in the whole …