The Perfect Blend of PUA, pt. 2

AN EXAMPLE OF A LINEAR PROGRESSION (this is just a sweeping generalization):

I’ll break this down in two parts:

1. In most sets, the real hotties won’t even give you the time of fucking day unless you are dressed cool, have other girls that want you, you look like you’re just a cool guy who is hanging at the venue and although other girls are chasing you you’re not wasting your time trying to sleep with them (puts you on the LEVEL of the super hottie HB10s since they do the same), and show that you have the mannerisms and SUBTLE knowledge that the guys who are at the top of their scene have.

From that point, you can open.  Yep, a 10 will actually (GASP!) talk to you.  Congratulate yourself.  🙂

You have the basic level of social value that’s necessary for the girls to be willing to chat you.  Like, in Miami South Beach, me being a younger guy wearing a “Pimp The Clown” shirt won’t fly.  Likewise, acting REALLY FUN won’t work either.  That’s because its mostly model golddiggers trying to get rich mafioso.  So I dress COOLER than the mafioso, by being like TURBO mafioso.  Then I act COOLER than them, by taking on their mannerisms (like I outlined in that long post about A-list social scenes), but act COOLER than them.  Notice the word “COOLER” all through this paragraph.. 🙂   —>  BE COOL!

From there, she may talk to you but she’ll still blow you off fast, unless you do something to make yourself emotionally relevant to her.  Otherwise, you’re just a shitty boring movie that she wants to walk out of.  You can’t go immediately into rapport or act sexual, because they’ll screen you as autopilot response (many many guys have tried that already tonight).  They’re 10s in looks, and you’re a 7.  They already have fuckbuddies or boyfriends (90%+ of hot girls are already getting laid), and they’re supposedly out to “have fun and dance” with their friends.

So we bust in with canned openers (or a COOL one that you came up with on the spot) to break their pattern of rejecting every guy that comes their way, and they actually talk to you for even a few minutes more.

Then we pummel them with (A) material, to get them wanting to talk to you more. The push/pull and DHVs and all that.  This is the GLUE that forces them to sit there and actually get to know you as the pickup progresses.

And that’s the thing.  Even though we spend alot of time on this board discussing the (A) phase (perhaps because so few people ever get beyond it),  but actually its the (C) phase that gets you the girl.

So you get to know the girl and build massive comfort and trust.  She loves you.  You’re awesome.  It wasn’t the (A) material that got you to this point.  BUT, it was the (A) material that got her to even acknowledge you in the first place.

Then we pummel them with (A) material, to get them wanting to talk to you more. The push/pull and DHVs and all that.  This is the GLUE that forces them to sit there and actually get to know you as the pickup progresses.

One Response

  1. Sabrina October 24, 2012

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