Looks Do Matter

When it comes to the topic of looks with women, most guys are usually clueless and confused. They tend to think in extremities: you either need to look like Brad Pitt to pickup decent looking women, or you can look like a homeless and still get laid.

The truth is in-between.

I’m sure you have seen model-looking guys with hot women and thought she must have only been with him because of his looks. On the contrary, you might have also seen butt-ugly guys with the hottest girls, which left you wondering. To understand the situation better, let’s talk about the details of your first interaction with a girl.

As psychologists say, people will have formed a firm opinion about you within the first 30 seconds or 1 minute of meeting you. This is especially true for women. How can you make a good impression on people? With your looks and with your attitude. (body language, eye-contact, words)

And here comes the most protected dirty little secret of seduction gurus:

When a woman checks you out, she will not look at your face. She will look at your shoes and check whether they are polished or not. She will look at your nails and see if they are long or dirty. She will look at your clothes to see whether they are clean or not, how they go together with your image/personality and what they communicate. Having a style that is also consistent with your personality is one of the most important things.

You are a man and you will look at a girl’s breasts, check out her ass and see if she has a baby face. But women always look at the big picture and the way you come off from the first second of meeting you. She will picture herself in her head with you together and think what people would say about her if she went out with you.

Women are self-validation junkies, they are constantly looking for the approval of other people and you will be another piece of this puzzle as well. Girls don’t want a man on their side who doesn’t know how to look or behave.

Thus the first step towards improving your success is fixing your looks.

You might say that your looks is something you can’t change. This is dead wrong. You don’t need plastic surgery to improve your looks by at least 2 points on a scale from 1 to 10. All you need is to be neat, tidy and to have some style.

If you have big red acne on your face, get proper treatment. If your hair is greasy and long, wash it and get a stylish haircut. If you dress like a nerd, go to the local shopping center and get some new clothes. You don’t have to spend a million bucks on clothes; style doesn’t mean dressing expensively, it means dressing fashionably. If you are too thin, put on some muscle. If you are fat, get on a diet.

Do you catch what I’m saying? Just by taking care of yourself a little bit, you can leave a much better impression on people and the women you interact with.

To summarize it, your looks matter as long as you don’t care about it. As soon as you get that handled, girls won’t care whether you look like Brad Pitt or not. As long as you have the proper attitude of course. And that is what I’ll talk about in my next article. Stay tuned.


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