Category: Outer Game
Many guys will dislike this, because it implies that women are sluts and untrustworthy. Well, I can only speak from my experience and report back what I’ve seen. I’m …
Here’s more on the secret society. They try to seduce women by touching and grabbing them, and getting them very horny. They try to seduce them in the SAME …
There are different styles of PU, that require you to act differently. If you guys remember my old “Jamie Lee Curtis Opener”, you’ll know that I walk up and …
Tonight I was feeling a little tired so I chilled out. I was by myself, had girls approaching me, but I just wanted to watch what was going on …
When socializing, a good vibe will be set when the reason for being there is to enjoy each other’s company. However, sometimes a bad vibe can be set when …
We all get our moment in the sun at some point. You’ll notice, that when you are holding court, that sometimes people will be insecure with that. The secure …
RHETORICAL SEQUENCING (This is Social Intelligence Part 2, click for Social Intelligence Part 1) People, when talking, use weird (when you think about it) rhetorical sequencing. Here is an …
Social Intelligence – How to Get a Good Vibe Going Social Intelligence. Having struggled so hard to learn it, I have so much to say on this topic. In …
I’ve been learning a lot about getting with the mid-level supermodels/actresses/pornstars types. Mid-level to me means those who are in a magazine/movie but they’re not famous. These type of …
Anytime you’re hanging out with a younger girl she should be wondering if you really like her, or if you’re just playing games like you do with all your …