Category: PUA Routines
Those who use the cube know its power, and it has been their secret weapon. The Cube is a game that has been used by pickup artists for some …
Here is the girlfriend test per request. It is really very simple. When a girl checks your status. “Do you have a girlfriend?” Say, “To be my girlfriend (or …
TwentySix on the Fuck, Marry, Kill game from the Howard Stern show Source: TwentySix, posting on Thundercats Seduction Lair “Marry… Marry is retard-ed… my name’s Mary and I’m a …
“You know you’re actually quite tense… i bet you’re the kind of person that finds it diffciult to really let go and relax… ” Credit: Tyler Durden The elusive …
Good addition to the “Best friends Test” Say “You’re taking the trust test”. Then say “Give me your hands”, and putyour palms up for her to take them. 1- …
You: Did you know that 93% of girls masturbate in the shower? Her: No You: The other 7% sing Her: Oh yeah? You: And do you know what they …
I use Ryobi’s version of the Lying Game. It is great for cocky and playful as well as bringing in sexual themes in a humorous way. It also allows …
I have had a great reaction from this game even from HBs who didn’t end up digging me. Braid_ged : Hey, are you a good lier ? HB : …
Initial hook: Start the story with, “Have you ever met a gay cat?” After this, you’ll have the undivided attention of your audience. PUA: Ok, get this, my friend …
You are so cute! You are like my little ATTACK KITTEN. Like, a furry little attack kitten with a big oversize collar on, you can protect me when the …