Category: PUA Skills
That said, I also know that high octane material is extremely useful in many areas. I know that an opinion opener is an easier way to open than walking …
Here’s more on the secret society. They try to seduce women by touching and grabbing them, and getting them very horny. They try to seduce them in the SAME …
It should probably go something like this: ‘Hey, sorry to bother you, I’ve only got a couple of minutes because I’m on my way to a meeting / see …
Cut the Chodeversation, Anatomy of a Spike Do you ever feel yourself slipping into “Chodeversation”? Like “what’s your name…where you from?…oh cool, I grew up near there myself…yeah but …
Do you ever get down when a girl is literally ALL OVER YOU in the club, but then wont answer your calls the next day? When her friends literally …
Tyler Durden talks about how to help your wingmen for the good of all, and particularly when and when not to give advice. Researchers have found that males’ testosterone …
Let’s get something straight, girls judge by looks. If you are NOT good looking, your only recourse is to have a hella tight VERBAL GAME. Let’s get something straight, …
Vibing is commonly thought of in the community as “fluff talk,” or just filler in between your routines. Even by people who run completely spontaneous game, there’s never been …
It seems there are a number of factors that will typically enable an individual to carry on a seemingly endless, engaging, and effortless conversation. However, when I look back …
Truly a TD extravaganza. Must read for socially retarded. Newsgroups: Social Intelligence – vibingDate: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 07:22:00 -0400 To me, this is a very important post. …