Category: PUA Skills


Cut the Chodeversation, Anatomy of a Spike Do you ever feel yourself slipping into “Chodeversation”? Like “what’s your name…where you from?…oh cool, I grew up near there myself…yeah but …

How to be a good Wing

Tyler Durden talks about how to help your wingmen for the good of all, and particularly when and when not to give advice. Researchers have found that males’ testosterone …

Conveying Personality

Let’s get something straight, girls judge by looks. If you are NOT good looking, your only recourse is to have a hella tight VERBAL GAME. Let’s get something straight, …

Complete Guide to Vibing

Vibing is commonly thought of in the community as “fluff talk,” or just filler in between your routines. Even by people who run completely spontaneous game, there’s never been …

Vibing Framework

It seems there are a number of factors that will typically enable an individual to carry on a seemingly endless, engaging, and effortless conversation. However, when I look back …

Social Vibing

Truly a TD extravaganza. Must read for socially retarded. Newsgroups: Social Intelligence – vibingDate: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 07:22:00 -0400 To me, this is a very important post. …