Category: Outer Game
2) KINO AS A REWARD: Now given that kino is also something that shoots her with a displacement of chemicals, I also will give her little shots as rewards, …
1) CAVEMAN AS A DECLOGGER In game, any error that you follow up with EMOTIONAL RELEVANCE is immediately forgiven. For example, if you approach, that can be an IOI …
Something that I realized is really key in my game is that I give girls the opportunity to INITIATE kino, rather than being the one to initiate it myself. …
Here are some more ideas: 2) Kino-ping escalation moves: Girls will start increasing buying temperature (logic is being disengaged), and it will be obvious. They will do things like …
There were some guys confused over how to convert attraction/trust into tonguedowns/phaseshifting, etc.. particularly within the C&F context. Aside from GWM (which I think is the best laid out …
More no-sleep ramblings from TylerDurden.. even more abstract now, so probably incomprehensible (will review this tommorow morning).. THE ANOMOLY EFFECT: The effect which is the result of taking SPECIFIC …
Remember, girls are like cats. You pet them for hours and they love you. But you pat them the wrong way ONE TIME and give them one bad emotion, …
You might not always need to use routines. MANY chicks will view you as having higher value, just because you approached confidently and didn’t appear to be trying too …
NEW ROUTINES (BREAKDOWN AND BUILDING) Routines are SO important, IMO. Good routines are integral to PU’ing groups of chicks. Anybody who tells me that they are pulling HB8+ chicks …
ST: “Don’t blame the dog/kid/whatever” (assuming you DID fuckup, and ACTUALLY said something mean.. I’m talking STICKY situations here, where you actually fucked up) WHY: She is trying to …