Category: Outer Game
There are many examples of chicks trying to throw themselves out of state when hitting buying temperature, but then by passing shit tests it is actually amplified: Chick feels …
Focus on pushing girls into BUYING TEMPERATURE, recognizing it, and ESCALATING. -lockup -unlocked -buying temperature levels -escalation LOCKUP: Chick is unresponsive. Ask questions, she says “I don’t know” or …
EXAMPLE I’m at the bar with Manifestis, and we’re just chilling going around high fiving people and clicking drinks.. chatting up everyone, especially guys about the SuperBowl in SanDiego …
Further to what I said before: 3) Some wicked fodder includes routines like (I got the base for these ideas from other people, but do them in my own …
Actually before I start, as the bros have always said, the VERY BEST Boyfriend Destroyer is just to SEDUCE HER and FUCK HER. So this stuff is just extra …
Here are some more important thoughts for how to destroy the BF in the eyes of the girls and make him look totally weak and unappealing to her. 1) …
Here’s the last set of things you might say: Guy into weird stuff in bed (S&M etc) when she hates it: “It’s not that this guy doesn’t love you.. …
Here are more sample ways to deal with the BF’s failings. Failure to commit: “It’s not that this guy doesn’t love you. He does. Its just that deep down …
The tactic: What you’re looking to do here is tear the guy down to a NICE GUY, while making it look like you’re actually STICKING UP FOR HIM! Your …
I see that some of the PUAs of the group have been putting out some interesting material, and I appreciated this stuff and I felt compelled to put out …